News update prior to launch

Well its the 27th of April 2015, a week prior to the launch, and so far so good with the development of the new Ghost store renamed UK Ghost Store. This week will be all about proof reading, typo and spelling correction, tidying up image sizes and looking for any errors which have so far not been noticed. If after the launch you spot something we would really appreciate your feedback in helping us maintain this site to the high standard that paranormal researchers deserve.

I would like to thank Andrew Brown of ARBStudios for creating the frame and design for this site and the many hours or work that have gone into it, we are all very proud of this and if anybody is interested in seeing other examples of Andrews work scroll to the bottom of any page where you will see arbstudios in blue, click though and you will find other sites Andrew has created.

I would also like to thank in advance the people i have asked to conduct the proof reading sessions, In sections they will be trawling the site looking for any errors so these can be corrected in time for the launch on May the 4th.

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