(06) Looking for Ghosts at The Old Village School of Ore 7th June 2025


Join us Looking for ghosts at The Old Village School of Ore.

*Small teams looking to collect evidence of the ghosts.

*latest equipment including thermal imaging available for all to use.

*Genuine Franks box and portal experiment.

*Technical and spiritual experiments.

*Experienced team of investigators.

SKU: 070625 Category:


Join us Looking for Ghosts at The Old Village School of Ore.

The Old Village School now the Ore community center

Dating back to 1895 it served as a school up until the late 1970’s when it became a community center. Inside you can’t help but remember your childhood school if you, like me, were at school in the past millennia it still has that vibe. I wondered if it would be possible to hear children’s laughter echoing down its corridors still, or the footsteps of the headmaster as he marched towards the classroom with his creaking leather shoes. Wanting to understand what ghosts did reside in the location, I spoke to a few of the people who work there, I was told about a presence that lurks in the hallway that has been mentioned by several of the staff and patrons of the center. There was the sound of speaking coming from a room that was empty, witnessed by two people one evening and the sight of a lady waving from a window.

In small teams the mission will be to collect evidence using traditional methods such as automatic writing and glass moving, right up to the latest ghost equipment using thermal imaging, infrared, electromagnetic field meters and so on. No experiment is compulsory as we do our best to identify who the ghosts of The Fort are, and why they haunt this location through deep data analysis after the event.

This investigation1 will be very exclusive with very limited places available. The cost for the night is £49 per person. Arrive at 8:20pm. The night will finish at 01.30 am, by which time you will have had the chance to experience what it is like to be a paranormal investigator, and had the opportunity to try a mixture of traditional techniques as well as modern technology to try and decide for yourselves – WHO HAUNTS The Old Village School of Ore?

This will be our first visit to the Old School after hearing many accounts of ghosts here it was decided we simply have to go there.

Book online here.
You can secure your place with a deposit, we require the balance of the by the Wednesday 4th June, we will send out a quick pay link invoice on the 2nd June. We will refund deposits up until the 21st of May 2025.

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